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TM FI Cert1

TM FI Cert1

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Creation Date: 17/01/2025

Category: Others

Number of questions: 10
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Which fields are maintained on the chart of accounts level of a G/L account? Note: There are 3 correct answers to this question. A. Account group B. Short text C. Alternative account number D. Field status group E. Group account number.
You notice that in the entry view of a document you have fewer items than in the general ledger view. What is the reason for this? A. An extension ledger has been configured. B. The sales tax is posted in details in the general ledger view. C. The sub-ledger accounts are shown in details in the general ledger view. D. Document splitting has been activated.
Where do you assign the group chart of accounts? A. Company code B. General ledger account C. Company D. Operating chart of accounts.
You are posting a general journal entry for your company code. After posting the entry, you notice the document number is in the wrong number. After reversing the document, what do you need to change when reposting the document? A. Assignment B. Document type C. Document number D. Posting key.
When defining a new standard ledger, which action must you take to manually post a general journal entry to it? A. Assign the ledger to a company code B. Assign a chart of accounts to the ledger C. Define the underlying ledger D. Include the ledger in a ledger group.
You try to create a G/L account but you get an error because the account number is not in the accepted range. Which object do you need to customize to extend the number range? A. Tolerance group B. Account group C. Chart of accounts D. Account type.
You want to post a reversal for a document posted in a closed posting period. Which object do you configure to allow you to enter the reversal with a date different from the original document? A. Document type B. Reversal method C. Reversal reason D. Company code.
You are trying to extend a G/L account to a new company code but are getting an error for incomplete data. All customizable in the field status. Which fields must you always maintain when extending a G/L account? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question. A. Account currency B. Field status group C. Sort key D. Account number.
You try to assign an alternative account to a G/L account but receive an error message. What can be the reason? A. You have not assigned the alternative chart of accounts to your company. B. The alternative account is already assigned to another G/L account for the company code. C. The alternative account has not been created for the company code. D. You have not assigned the alternative chart of accounts to your operational chart of accounts.
On which level do you maintain the currency translation ratio between two currencies? A. Exchange rate type B. Document type C. Valuation type D. Currency type.
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