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What is the use of Relations in TOSCA? Manage dependencies of TestCases and Test Case Designs Manage dependencies of Test Case Design and Requirements Manage dependencies of Attribute and Instances Manage dependencies of logical attribute with physical attribute.
Name different types of Relations in Test Case Design? Required, Constraint and Forbidden Important, Simple and Complicated Important, forbidden and commited Required, Constraint, forbidden and Basic.
Relation can be defined for? Instances Modules and Module Attribute TestSheet Level Attributes and/or Instances.
Which Option do we select in order to generate combination including relations? All Combinations[Relations] Orthogonal[Relations] Linear Expansion[Relations] Pairwise[Relations].
Relation can be defined on or within classes and attributes whose business relevance is? No Yes Result Verification.
Name different types of Classes in Test Case Design? Struct Class, Standard Class, Public Class and Default Class Standard class, Struct Class and Enumeration Class Interface, Public Class, Private Class, Standard Class and Enumeration Class Struct Class Only.
What is the purpose of classes in Test Case Design? Enhance the Re-usability To link among different attributes To define the structure of Test Case Design Productivity is increased.
Identify the Correct Statement? The Enumeration Class includes only Attributes on the highest level, but no Instances The Public Class includes Attributes and Instances on the highest level of the Class The Struct Class includes only Instances, but no Atttributes The Standard Class includes Attributes and Instances on the highest level of the Class.
What is the Symbol for Standard Class? "S" "T" "C" "E".
Name the class that is widely used as ClassReferences in TCD? Public Class Standard Class Struct Class Enumeration Class.
How many class reference we can build in TOSCA? One There is no limit Twenty Five.
Classes can be maintained at what level? ClassReferences Attribute TestSheet Level Class Itself.
In how many ways Classes can be created? Classes can be created By three ways I.e, Manually, By Drag and Drop or by Extraction Classes can be created by Dragging and Dropping it to Testsheet Classes can be created using two ways i.e, by Dragging and Dropping or by Extracting Classes cannot be created in TOSCA.
What is the suggested way of building structure in an Testsheet? Verification, Pre-Condition and Use Case Description There is no such structure defined in TOSCA Pre-Condition, Use Case Description and Verification Pre-Condition, Verification and Use Case Description.
Choose The Appropriate advantages of maintaining an Uniformed Structure in TestSheet? It Binds all data in one unit that is class There is not much advantage of using uniform structure as its only clear the readibility Easy to write and define Easy to maintain, read and easy to identify required Test Data and Test Objectives.
Choose the Correct key combinations to toggle the business relevance of Attributes? CTR + F8 CTR + F7 CTR + F5 CTR + F6.
What Value is set for business relevance property for Pre-Condition and Use Case Description? Yes Result No Verify.
What all points we should consider while defining equivalence classes in Test Case Design? Use ranges while defining equivalence classes in TCD Use Operators and Interval Notation, sort them in ascending or descending order, Identify holes or overlaps Definition of Operands and Operator should be proper, sorting should only be done in ascending order Holes and Overlaps should be avoided.
How many Boundary Values tricentis recommend per Boundary? 1 2 3 4.
Identify the Correct Statement? Boundary Values are seen as part of smoke test while Inner Values in functional testing Boundary Values are seen as part of regression test portfolio while the Inner Value as manual one-time Tests. Boundary Values are seen as manual one-time tests while the Inner Values are part of regression test portfolio. Boundary Values are seen as part of Functional testing while Inner Values as the part of Smoke Test.
Which one is the recommended way of linking Test Case Design to Requirement section in TOSCA? Each TestSheet represents Multiple Requirement folder Each RequirementSet represents one TestSheet Each Leaf Requirement represents two or more TestSheet Each Leaf Requirement represents one TestSheet.
Filter function can be combined using which logical expression? AND OR NOR NOT.
Select the appropriate method for reseting filter? Using the Context Menu on Root Test Case Design Folder Using the Context Menu on Attribute level By Toggling F5 key Using the Context Menu on TestSheet Level.
If all Instances/Combinations are correct, but all verification have changed. Then how we can empty the verifications.? Using Filter Column Using Clear Values option Using Delete Using Fill empty values.
Names with/without regular expression can be modified using? View > Project > Name Project > Name Context Menu > Rename Modify > Name.
From which option we can get the Instance Usage Column? View > Instance Usage At TestSheet Level selecting Instance usage as option Column Chooser Context Menu.
Identify the functions that can be used to maintain a TestSheet? Filter, Clear Values and Fill Empty Values Only using Filter function Refresh, Clear values Filter, Clear Values and Fill Values.
How many types of database does TOSCA supports? Adabas, Oracle, DB2, UniSQL, Cloudspace Access, Datacom, MySQL Access, Datacom, MS Sql Server, Oracle, SQLite, MS Sql Server, DB2, Oracle, SQLite.
What value should we give to Test Configuration Parameter in order to use TDM Concept? TDMConnectionString TDMConnection TDMDatabase TDMConnect.
At which level we should define the Test Configuration Parameter? TestSheet Level Project Level Attribute Level Instance Level.
In which section of TOSCA TDM Schema is set? Modules Requirement Test Case Design Test Case.
Which column we select from column chooser in order to work with TDM Test Case Design Column TDM Data TDM Column TDM Schema Column.
Which option do we select from Context Menu of TestSheet to build TDM? Create TDM Database Create Schema for TDM Create TDM Connection Create TDM.
Identify the Correct Statement? Attributes name will represent TDM table name and TestSheet name will represent TDM Column. TCD Root folder name will represent TDM table name and Attributes will represent TDM Columns. Logical Attribute name represent TDM table name and Instances will represent TDM Columns. TestSheet name will represent TDM table name and attributes will represent TDM Columns.
Identify different kind of modules used for setting up Test Data Management? Only the modules given to us by Tricentis only Scanned Modules Standard, High level modules Standard, Custom Created, Advanced modules.
Define the steps of creating custom modules? Select TDM -> Create Module from context menu of a Module Folder Select TDM AddOn -> Create TDM Module from context menu of a Module Folder Select Project -> Crate TDM Schema Select Project -> Create TDM Module.
Which option can be selected to view and edit created data in TDM? TDM ObjectEditor TDM Modifier TDM Set Attribute TDM Modify Association.
To create the first TestStep for TDM, which Custom TDM Module is used? TDM Create >…< TDM Create Object Create TDM Create module.
In Order to save the changes made to the TDM Table, which custom module should be used? Save Save as TDM Save TDM Save As.
Which option is helpful to Unlock the TDM Data at folder level? View -> Unlock TDM Data Revert my TDM objects locks Project-> settings-> unlock TDM Data Unlock the objects locks.
Where unique name for data set is given in TDM? ResourceName Name Resource TDMResourceName.
What is the recommended value for KeepLocks attribute in TDM Save TestStep? 1 0 TRUE FALSE.
Which options Deletes data in TDM ObjectEditor? Reset -> Drop Reset -> Data and Schema Reset -> Data Reset -> Delete.
Which option helps to view TDM Data in TestCase-Designs Section? F5 Refresh TDM data source from Context Menu of TestSheet Refresh TDM from Context Menu of TestSheet Refresh TDM data source from Context Menu of TCD root folder.
Once the TDM Data is Synchronized with Test Case Design, Column is changed to which color? Blue Green Red Purple.
Which property we can use on ExecutionEntry to create multiple records extremely quickly in TOSCA? Repetitions Iteration Repeat Do Loops.
Which section is used to register the Test Data into TDM? TestCase Design Execution TestCase Modules.
what name is given to dropdown list in TDM ObjectEditor which is used to select any table? Types Table Schema TDM Table.
If you want to retrieve data that was saved as an Email address in a TDM Attribute called, "Email", using a ResourceName of "CustomerDetails", the correct syntax to enter into the Value field would be: {TD[Email.CustomerDetails]} {TD[CustomerDetails.Email]} {TDM[CustomerDetails.Email]} {TDM[Email.CustomerDetails]}.
In order to Retrieve TDM data which module is used? TDM GetData>…< TD Search>…< TDM Search>…< TD GetData>…<.
In order to Modify TDM data which module is used? TDM Modify>…< TD Change>…< TDM Change>…< TD Modify>…<.
Identify the Correct Statement? TDM is created in TestCase Section TDM is Case Sensitive TDM is not Case Sensitive TDM is Test Data Manager.
What is the full form of WSDL? Web Servise Description Language Web Servicecall Description Language Web Service Descriptive Language Web Service Description Language.
Name the Method that is used for machine-to-machine communication? Search Criteria Web Service Function Call Web Service Call.
To execute any part of an ExecutionList independent and simultaneously which option is used? ExecutionList Run from Scratchbook Execute from Here TestMandates.
Identify correct Statement? Business ExecutionLists contain Business TestCases which display results of ExecutionLists combined into one unit. Business ExecutionLists contain TestCases which display results of ExecutionLists combined into one unit. ExecutionLists contain Business TestCases which display results of ExecutionLists combined into one unit. Business ExecutionLists contain Business TestCases which display results of ExecutionLists combined into TestMandates.
Orange Circle with arrow represent to which part in TOSCA? Business TestCase TestCase TCD Linked to Requirement TestCase Linked to Requirement.
TDM Query Starts with.? {TDM[….]} {TD[….]} {TCD[….]} {TCDM[…]}.
Where do we enter TDM Query in TOSCA? Value in Module ModuleAttribute TestStepValue TestStep.
For what purpose Search criteria is used in TDM Search module? used to delete data in TDM used to alter data in TDM used to set the value in TDM is used to select set of TDM Data.
For what type of search TQL is used? Basic Simple Doesn't matter Complex.
Which kind of model does TQL use for searching? TOSCA Modal Search TOSCA Object Model TOSCA Class Model Modal Search.
Where TQL Queries are stored in TOSCA? Search Folder TCD Folder Virtual Folders OSV Folder.
Define the correct usage of => operator in TQL Query? Searches Superordinate Levels Searches One level Searches All Levels Search Subordinate Levels.
Define the correct usage of -> operator in TQL Query? Searches One level Searches All Levels Searches Superordinate Levels Search Subordinate Levels.
What does =? Means? is the right part contained in the left is the right part not contained in the left is the left part contained in the right is the left part not contained in the right.
What does !? Means? is the right part contained in the left is the left part not contained in the right is the left part contained in the right is the right part not contained in the left.
Identify the Correct Statement? AND means that only one of the expression needs to be met AND means, both expressions need to be met OR means, both expression need to be met NOT means that only one of the expression needs to be met.
Out of the following identify the Terminal Symbol? SELF SUPERPARTS UNION COUNT.
Out of the following identify the Functions? SUBPARTS RETURN PROJECT SUBORDINATE.
Identify the correct structure of TQL? searchExpression, returnToken, arrowOperator arrowOperator, returnToken, searchExpression returnToken, searchExpression, arrowOperator returnToken, arrowOperator, searchExpression.
Name the set Operation that returns a record exists in one query and not in the other, It will be omittes? INTERSECTION UNION COMPLEMENT COMPLIMENT.
We have two sets A and B, I want to take COMLEMENT of two sets, what will be the correct syntax? COMPLEMENT(A,B) COMPLIMENT(A,B) COMP(A,B) COMPLEMENT(A<B).
Identify the correct flow of using TQL Define the Starting point, Define the Level, Enter the TQL, Define the Ending point Define the Starting point, Enter the TQL, Define the Ending point Define a Starting point, Define the Levels, Enter the TQL Define the Levels, Define a Starting point, Enter the TQL.
Define the relation between Module and TestCase objects? n : 0 1 : n 0 : n n : 1.
Define the relation between Module and ModuleAttribute objects? n : 0 1 : n 0 : n n : 1.
Refresh Virtual Folder is used for? Delete the results Store the results Modify the result Update the results.
SELF Function is used for? Stores the result to virtual folder Initialize the query Returns the other object Returns itself as the object.
Whats the functionality of SUPERPARTS symbol? allows to search the levels above the starting point allows to search the levels beneath the starting point searches only one level result in a return of all the elements of the level.
Whats the functionality of SUBPARTS symbol? allows to search the levels above the starting point allows to search the levels beneath the starting point searches only one level result in a return of all the elements of the level.
Whats the functionality of RETURN symbol? allows to search the levels above the starting point allows to search the levels beneath the starting point searches only one level result in a return of all the elements of the level.
Identify the Arrow Operator used in TQL Query? == != => <=.
Identify the symbol for unequal? i= != =! =i.
Identify the symbol for equal to, case insensitive? i= != =! ==.
Name the Logical Operators used in TQL Query? AND and OR NOR XNOR, NOR, AND ==.
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